We were thrilled to be at the recent Bord Bia Bloom Garden Expo exhibiting a mix of our Garden & Homeware products. During breaks we had the chance to have a sneaky look at some of the fantastic Show Gardens being judged. Heres 3 of our favourites ..
Enable Ireland Respite Garden

Enable Ireland Respite Garden - Looking for an all-inclusive garden in terms of garden festivals, this garden design took into account every requirement. This carefully crafted space demonstrates what happens when good design meets creative solutions, elevating Bloom Festival beyond a garden makeover show. This garden will be going to one of Enable Ireland's respite centers for children and adults with disabilities at Rathmore House in Wicklow. Designed by Robert Moore, the pathways of the gardens are wheelchair-accessible and includes two circular points for visitors to pull off the pathway and enjoy the garden, both of which are made to accommodate for space needed to turn one's wheelchair around easily. The larger look out point in the garden is railed with recycled and painted wheels from wheelchairs. Colorful metal circles which complement the colors of the flowers create an archway over the path providing a sensory element. The end of the pathway features the Shepherd's Hut Studio which acts as a social area. This respite garden provides a joyful place for children and young adults with disability to gain independence, socialize with peers, and interact with a creative environment.
The Organic Edible Garden

The Organic Edible Garden - Making the most out of limited gardening space is the focus of this garden. If you want to save money on groceries and enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own food, then this summer is the time to get your garden in shape.
This garden designed by James Purdy provides a refreshing example of growing a range of crops in an urban environment. Despite a constrained space, the garden demonstrates the growth of organic fruit and vegetable crops including strawberries, blackberries, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots and many more that are inter-planted with herbs and spaller crops such as celery, parsley, and chives. This practice of purposefully interplanting various trees, bushes, and crops not only makes use of a confined urban garden but also illustrates protecting the environment even within individual garden spaces. Some notable features of this garden include the minimalist wood tables, benches, storage, and trellises were designed and handcrafted by the designer and the concrete trough designed to catch and store rainwater.
Sustainable Dairy Farm Garden

Sustainable Dairy Farm Garden - Last but not least, gardening's final frontier tackles the future of sustainability and the ways in which it can be improved through action. Designed by Sean Russell, this garden uses traditional, old-style Irish country farm design elements to communicate the larger message of sustainable dairy production in Ireland. The traditional elements of dry-stone walls, milk churns, bespoke metal furniture, and metal gate create a charming space for viewers. Taking a closer look at the garden, it is evident how a native planting scheme was carefully chosen to promote grass-fed dairy cows. The designer worked together with the National Dairy Council to show the importance of dairy production in Ireland to continue become more efficient, sustainable, and greener production that contributes to the rural biodiversity of the native landscape.
If you are going to do renovations on your garden and want a new design or give it a simple makeover, the Bloom festival is one of the best gardening shows in Ireland to get inspiration. There are elements you can use or ideas you can put your own spin on for your garden.